How To Get Started With Your Fat Loss Goals In January

Screenshot 2022-01-05 at 08.27.17
Sean Wilson

Sean Wilson

Many people start with their goal of getting in better shape in January but struggle for consistency. So, what do you have to prioritise when you begin?

After a lengthy break for Christmas and New Year’s, January is a month in which people get back into a routine and start working on their goals, one of which often includes losing body fat and getting in better shape.

Yet a common trend you see is people’s consistency and motivation drop as time goes on. What started off as a year when things change turns into one that sees the same old habits creeping in. As a result, it can be very easy to fail before you even get started.

So, how can you change this? What are the key points to nail down in January so that you can stay consistent and progress with your fat loss goals.

Have A Clear Goal

Before you start, there are some fundamental things that you must be clear on in your mind. The first of which is knowing what you want to achieve and being specific with it. So, if the goal is fat loss, how much fat do you want to lose? If it is weight loss, what target are you aiming to reach?

Being clear with your goal is a vital part of the journey because that clarity allows you to focus on the work and discipline required to get there. It also gives you a realistic time frame to achieve your goal in, which will help lower your expectations and allow you to be more patient and enjoy the journey.

Know Your Why

Another crucial thing to be clear on when you start your fat loss journey is why your goal is important to you. There will be a deep, emotional reason why you are looking to get in shape and you must dig this out before you set out your plan to get there.

This is vital, not just to ensure that you are invested in the process, but also so that you can maintain consistency throughout the inevitable periods of low motivation further down the line. This is what I like to call an ‘anchor’ and it must mean a lot to you if you are to succeed.

Have A Clear Plan

Having a deep goal that matters a lot to you is one thing but knowing how to get there is another. Fat loss is often overcomplicated by people due to the lack of planning involved, so it is vital that you have a clear roadmap ahead of you, which includes all the variables that change over time, such as adjustments in food and training intensity.

Having a clear plan allows you to think clearly and focus your efforts on putting in the hard work. Often the plan does not need to be overcomplicated and should involve two to four resistance training sessions per week, a simple diet structure to follow and a sustainable form of cardio. Keeping things simple reduces confusion, stress and increases your chance of succeeding.

Seek Help And Guidance

If you are looking to accelerate your progress, you may find it hard to go at it alone. Firstly, it can be hard to consistently motivate yourself to keep going and stay disciplined with the most important areas. Therefore, having a coach, mentor or someone you know to regularly support you is going to be key, especially during the times when you are down and not inspired to train or stick to your diet is going to be vital for getting through tough times and staying consistent.

Having someone by your side is also important when it comes to doing the right things well. This can range from exercise execution and tempo to adjusting your calories every few weeks. Without the knowledge required, it is risky to make changes yourself and you may not even know if you are performing the required tasks to maximum effect. So, a coach or mentor who will make the right decisions when required and make sure that you are getting the best reward for your efforts, which is vital.

Prioritise Sustainability And Consistency

A common mistake people make heading into the new year is to adopt the all or nothing approach, in which they go from consuming lots of food and drink to reducing it dramatically to the point when you are not getting the right nutrition.

Fat loss takes a long time, so you must have an approach that is realistic, sustainable and enjoyable. That way, you can stay consistent over a long period, which is the only way to achieve great results and build habits to last you a lifetime.


So, if you want to get in shape this January, there are some fundamental areas you must prioritise. These include having a clear goal, knowing your ‘why’, having a clear plan, seeking help, and prioritising sustainability and consistency. Once you are clear and have strategised well, you will then be in a much better position to attack your goals and ensure that you stay consistent and make great changes to your body shape.

Photo Credits: Envato Elements

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