Getting into a good routine with your nutrition is not easy. You may have come from years of bad habits and poor choice, leading to an unhappy body shape that you are unhappy with and want to change.
There are many reasons why people struggle to stick to their nutrition plan, but one of the most common is to do with a hectic work and commute schedule. It can be difficult to find the time to prioritise healthier, more balanced meals that are conducive to you reaching your goals.
So, how can you get around this? How can you balance travelling and commuting with a consistent, effective diet?
Planning and Preparation
What time you travel will affect the timing and content of your nutrition. For example, if you are travelling first thing in the morning in a fasted state (limited or no food in your system), it would be a good idea to make sure that you include carbohydrates in your evening meal the day before so that you have a source of slow releasing energy in your system. If you really want something to eat before your early morning commute, a light snack, such as a protein bar and/or a banana, will give you a boost of energy and not massively upset your digestive system while you start your day.
If you want to eat later in the day, you can start with a light breakfast and then build up. Make sure each meal is includes protein and carbohydrates, micronutrients (vegetables, fruit), and even fats too, if you prefer, so that you have can give maximum effort during your day and keep energy levels high. So, it is important to plan when and what you are going to eat around your selected commute time and make sure that you are still hitting your calorie and macronutrient (protein, carbohydrates, fats) targets for the day and week.
Easy Meals To Prepare

As mentioned before, planning and preparation is also going to be key when it comes to nutrition. Take some time to figure out what and when you are going to eat. Due to a busy lifestyle, many people struggle to get in the required food and instead turn to less-healthy options from the shops and can easily under-eat or overeat, meaning they do not hit their calorie and macronutrient targets which are essential to reaching a fitness goal.
However, if you plan what and when you are going to eat, things become clearer and more manageable. Having a balance between cooked meals and healthy snacks can be a very good, sustainable option. For example, you could have breakfast before you go to work, consume a protein shake, protein bar, a sandwich, and some fruit throughout the day, and then have a cooked meal when you return home – this could be a post-workout meal if you go straight to the gym after work on training days. Experiment and find out which way works best for you. Just make sure that you are tracking what you consume and hitting your calorie and macronutrient targets regardless – this is essential.
Healthy, Effective Snacks
Snacks are another fantastic way of managing your nutrition on the go because they do not require a lot of preparation beforehand. Many people struggle to get their calories in because there is too much focus on work commitments, which also leads to inconsistent eating patterns during the day. As a result, your energy and blood sugar levels dip, which leads to a drop in performance and productivity.
So, although structured meals should be the foundation of your diet, healthy snacks will help you save time and fit in those calories that are missing so that you can boost your metabolism and energy. Some great examples include protein shakes, protein bars, fruit, nuts, rice cakes and yoghurt. If you are struggling with your calorie intake, make sure you include snacks to get your nutrition back on track.
Figure Out Your Favourite Eating Times

When it comes to eating times, it is important to look at your schedule and figure out your favourite slots to eat in. Many people become confused and overwhelmed at the thought of managing their nutrition around travelling and work but, when planned and thought through, it is much simpler than you think.
Do you like to eat first thing in the morning or later in the morning? When do you prefer to have lunch? Do you like to have dinner as soon as you finish work? Make sure you are clear on the times you like to eat and spread them out across the day. This will help keep your energy levels, mood and productivity to a consistent level.
Use Other Facilities
Another great option you have is to use food facilities that you have available to you at the location you are at. This could be several places, such as restaurants, food halls, takeaway food shops, canteens, café’s and more. These facilities could well sell healthy, effective meals and/or snacks that fall in line with your goals, so using them could be a great option for you.
If you are someone who gets bored preparing all of your meals, using another facility will also add some variety to your daily nutrition and ensure that you enjoy the options you have. Make sure you choose meals that are high in protein and vegetables, with a good portion of carbohydrates included if you prefer.
So, if you are struggling to fit in your nutrition around a busy life that involves lots of travelling and commuting, there are certain strategies that you can implement to make great progress. These include planning and strategizing, preparing easy meals, bringing healthy, effective snacks with you, and using the facilities in your location. This will help you have a much better routine with your food and reduce any stress that could come with it. You will then be in a much better place to achieve your dream result.
Photo Credit: Envato Elements